#YWeRun: Supporting the YMCA of Charlestown

This fall, the YMCA of Greater Boston aims to help our communities grow stronger together by engaging in a virtual wellness & community-building experience that spans 9 days, covers 43 miles, and celebrates 14 neighborhoods. I am running to support those in need in Charlestown. In partnership with the BPS, Kennedy Center, and City Fresh Foods the Charlestown Y has been able to provide over 50,000 grab and go meals to residents of Charlestown. As of 8/21, in partnership with City Fresh Foods, Commonwealth Kitchen, Hailey House and Boston Public Housing , the Charlestown Y is providing 2500 meals per week to adults who live in Bunker Hill housing. #YWeRun and #StrongerTogether

Benefiting YMCA of Greater Boston

raised out of $250 goal

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Benefiting YMCA of Greater Boston

raised out of $250 goal


$50.00 from Stacey Lane

$50.00 from Anonymous

"What a great cause!! Good luck with the run and hope you're well!"