#YWeRun: Supporting the YMCA of Greater Boston

For individuals and families across Greater Boston, 2020 has presented us with adversity that has challenged us all. This fall, the YMCA of Greater Boston aims to help our communities grow stronger together by engaging our neighbors in a virtual wellness and community-building experience that spans 9 days, covers 43 miles, and celebrates 14 neighborhoods. INSERT WHY YOU ARE RUNNING HERE - Share how the Y has made a difference in your life or the lives of adults or young people in your community. Share your fundraising page to raise funds and elevate the mission of the Y in your community through social media. Please use #YWeRun and #StrongerTogether in your posts.

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Benefiting YMCA of Greater Boston

raised out of $100 goal

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Ymca logo new
Benefiting YMCA of Greater Boston

raised out of $100 goal


$10.00 from Katie Kalugin

"You are a rockstar!"

$50.00 from Caitlin Smith

$10.00 from Carolyn Krusinski

"Caitlin. You are awesome. Run well on Mother Earth as she support you."

$25.00 from Jude McGrath-Clarke

"Wow, Caitlin you continue to amaze with your grace filled presence. Be thinking of you as you run . Always in my heart; love you so much."

$50.00 from Chris Arnold

"Have fun doing this. Proud of you."