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Slogan 5dca76eb2021ee8f66e932bc19bf8f6a7cd04e3b3759a6a4ce39ec9f639f8e7e

Tue Feb



Badass Wolverine Challenge - Virtual Race

The Badass Wolverine Winter Challenge offers you the chance to invoke your inner wolverine and support research and conservation as you get out over the last month of winter and log the kind of mileage a wolverine covers in its daily life.

All Teams > Zookeepers for Gulos!

Chain d9f1ba61a1bfa05697091aa9ca13a3fc935f208d5be2238b2acb01a2696de0e2

Bib First Name ▼ Last Name Category Age City & State $ Raised
Kate Olsen INDIVIDUAL 19-29 F Norristown PA
Cierra Allen INDIVIDUAL 30-39 F Cherry Hill NJ
Christyne Fitzgerald INDIVIDUAL 30-39 F Roanoke VA
Alexx Bigham TEAM CAPTAIN (CREATE A TEAM) 19-29 F Royersford PA