Help us thank Chris, Paul, Sanjay, and Robert!

When these guys volunteered to help at the Charles River Marathon on Sunday, Oct. 31st, they probably did not expect to spend hours sweeping water and digging trenches to drain a 50' stretch of the race course which was flooded under 6" of muddy water. Please consider chipping in to help us get them a gift for their hard work.

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Benefiting RACE Cancer Foundation

raised out of $500 goal

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Benefiting RACE Cancer Foundation

raised out of $500 goal


$100.00 from Joseph Scheier-Dolberg

"We all owe you guys a debt of gratitude. You cheered, you swept, you joked, you cajoled. A million thank yous!"

$25.00 from Nick Lee

$20.00 from David Krulewich

"Thank you guys. I came under 3 hours by :24 seconds and can’t imagine I would have been able to without your help clearing that puddle. - Dave"