From the Race Director

Camp Erin Boston a free, weekend bereavement camp for children and teens ages 6-17 who are grieving the death of someone close to them. It is a fun, traditional camp combined with grief education, peer bonding, and emotional support led by bereavement professionals and caring volunteers. Camp Erin Boston was created by and is supported in part by The Eluna Network national Camp Erin program.

Benefiting Camp Erin Boston

raised out of $100 goal

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Benefiting Camp Erin Boston

raised out of $100 goal


$100.00 from Joanna Koft

$100.00 from The Pastore Family

"Way to go Carol!"

$100.00 from Anonymous

$50.00 from Anonymous

"Camp Erin Volunteers are the best! Shout outs to Doc Brit, Tad, Michelle, Stuart, Allie, Lauren, Andrew ...and I could go on forever!!!!"

$50.00 from Jill Conroy

$50.00 from Lisa Joseph

$100.00 from Susan and Ed Rishmany

"In support of a wonderful person with a beautiful heart. Carol, you're the best!"