Thank You for Supporting Camp Erin!

Here's how your fundraising supports Camp Erin Boston: $2500 will support one cabin of campers $500 will send one child to camp $300 will pay for t-shirt printing for all campers $250 will pay for water bottles for all campers and volunteers $150 will provide all the supplies for our luminary ceremony $150 will provide snacks for campers $25/$50/$75/$100 will provide art/craft supplies for all campers $100 will provide journals for all campers $25 will help towards printing and mailing costs Thank you again for all your continued support! To learn more about Camp Erin Boston and to complete camper and volunteer applications, please visit:

Benefiting Camp Erin Boston

raised out of $500 goal

$ .00

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Benefiting Camp Erin Boston

raised out of $500 goal


$100.00 from Julie Barradale

"Great cause, good luck at the race!!!"

$50.00 from Lauren Landry

"Running with you in spirit. Go get 'em!"

$25.00 from Anonymous

$50.00 from Jim and Sharon Fong