Raise money for those in need this holiday season!

Eastside Baby Corner helps kids thrive by providing basic necessities for children so that EBC’s partners — schools, human service agencies, food banks, hospitals--can help families become stable, safe, housed, fed and employed. EBC takes in donations of children’s clothing and goods from the community and supplements donations with purchases of the absolute essentials for children we guarantee to provide: baby food, formula, car seats, pack n’ plays and diapers. As the vital safety net under family-assistance providers and families, EBC annually distributes over 70,000 health and care items for kids from birth to age 12 directly to agencies in the Seattle area.

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Benefiting Eastside Baby Corner

raised out of $100 goal

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Benefiting Eastside Baby Corner

raised out of $100 goal


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Please share this link to raise funds for Eastside Baby Corner: https://rcm.nu/mbqzs