Realtors® Relief Run

The REALTORS® Relief Foundation was established in 2001 after the tragic terrorist attacks of September 11. REALTORS® rallied and raised more than $8.4 million to provide housing assistance so that surviving family members could stay in their homes. Since inception, more than 16 years ago, the Foundation has helped thousands of families and distributed $28 million in relief aid for 62 disasters in 35 states and territories. What is unique about the REALTORS® Relief Foundation and sets us apart from other 501(c)(3) organizations is that every dollar donated goes directly to victims of disaster. The National Association of REALTORS® covers 100% of administrative costs.

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Benefiting REALTORS® Relief Foundation

raised out of $100 goal

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Benefiting REALTORS® Relief Foundation

raised out of $100 goal


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