Alyssa’s Race Cancer!

Hello All! I will be running a half marathon supporting the Race Cancer Foundation on October 28th in Stoneham, MA. The Race Cancer Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting health and wellness in the community, reducing the risk of cancer while raising funds and awareness for organizations dedicated to fighting cancer. Throughout my experience and education in healthcare, we have seen that preventative medicine and education is so significant to ones overall well-being. I will be running this half marathon for my three grandparents who I have lost in this tragic battle. I’d love to run for you, your friends, and your loved ones as well. Thank you so much everyone! Xo

Benefiting RACE Cancer Foundation & Zoo New England

raised out of $150 goal

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Benefiting RACE Cancer Foundation & Zoo New England

raised out of $150 goal


$100.00 from Dad and Papa

$25.00 from Christopher Salatino

$25.00 from Kayla Grosso

"<3 you and KILL IT!"

$25.00 from Michael Skehill

"Fuck Cancer."